We will help you transform Leadership in Your organization
At Inside Out Solutions we specialize in collaborating with you to create a powerful Leadership Development Program that is unique to your organization. Watch this video to learn about our unique process and the significant impact it will have on your company.
Let's Talk
If you think our Intrinsic Leadership Development approach may be a good fit for your organization, let's arrange a time to talk. Email me at rob@inoutsol.com to schedule a conversation.
More Info
To view samples of a Leadership Questionnaire, Leadership Assessment and Summary Analysis, visit our Samples page.
To watch a video about building the leadership model, visit How We Build The Model Together.
To learn more about administrative costs for the Leadership Development process, visit Cost/Administration.
Making It Happen
Every good CEO wants to establish leadership in their organization that delivers excellent business results and creates an environment where high quality people want to come to work and stay. This does not happen by accident. You have to plan for it…the same way you plan for any other result in your business. You must also commit to work on developing it over time. It does not come by proclamation. It comes through consistent effort over time.
Leadership is a Business Problem
At Inside Out Solutions, we approach the challenge of leadership transformation the same way we approach any other business challenge. We apply our process and principles with the senior team to build perspective on their unique circumstances and help them determine what unique approaches to leadership those circumstances dictate.
In short, we guide the team to gain full perspective about their business circumstances and their personal beliefs about leadership. We then push the team to fully understand the leadership implications of those circumstances and beliefs.
Make it your own
The output of this work forms the leadership principles that all leaders in the organization will be taught and required to follow. These principles of leadership will exist no place else. They spring from that senior team’s belief, after rigorously looking at their circumstances, of what is most important for leaders to do in that organization to yield the most effective business results and organizational environment.
Developing the unique set of leadership principles is not the end of the process. Leadership transformation comes from individual leaders gaining detailed perspective on their own leadership behaviors and how they stack up against the organization’s principles. To accomplish this, we develop an assessment questionnaire based on the leadership principles. Each individual leader’s boss, peers and subordinates complete the questionnaire. We organize this information and create a detailed video that deliver the data and helps them to select an area of developmental focus. The participant has access to this video 24/7/365 so they can refer back to it at any time. Our clients repeat this assessment and feedback process each year. It is this consistent focus that yields the leadership transformation they set out to accomplish.
You Are The Experts
By now you will have noticed that we do not advocate any one expert’s approach to leadership (least of all our own!) Often during the perspective building process senior team members’ opinions about one expert or another are discussed. The point is that no one expert’s model of leadership is adopted as “the way to lead”. At Inside Out Solutions, we advocate that each organization create an approach to leadership that is custom fit to their needs.
If you are looking for a breakthrough in leadership, perhaps it is time to transform it from the Inside Out!
Our Virtual Approach
We have adapted our leadership development process to be fully virtual. This adds value to our clients in two significant ways:
• Cost is reduced
• It's convenient. Our clients can interact with us whenever they want 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year