Criteria Based Prioritization
This is a proprietary prioritization process that analyzes the key factors of Value and Probability of Success when determining which of many options an organization should implement to accomplish an objective.
To effectively analyze these factors the client team and I develop a customized set of criteria that defines what adds value to reaching the given objective and a second set of criteria that determine how probable it is that a given option can be implemented successfully.
We plot these assessment on a matrix to create a picture of how the various options compare with each other. This picture facilitates a qualitative discussion of the relative merits of the various options. The depth and collaborative nature of this discussion yields decisions that all members of the team own and will therefore implement more rigorously than decisions that they feel were made either too unilaterally or without enough depth of thought and debate.
Capacity Management
This process works in concert with Criteria Based Prioritization. It requires the client team to ask the question of "how"; how will the people who must implement a newly established priority create the time necessary for effective implementation?
I have found in my work that this is an often overlooked question. The presumption is that people will "find a way." In this process the client team and I overtly "create the way" so nothing is left to chance.